AFRINET GLOBAL which is our Fintech company prioritizes excellence and delivers tailored solutions to meet clients’ unique needs in Finance, ICT, loT and others. Through close strategic collaborations and our expertise in Fintech, E-Commerce, and Payment Gateways, we have delivered excellent outcomes to our clients.

A global fintech partner striving to simplify and advance commerce in every market.

Providing infrastructure for seamless payments and settlements to deliver deep value to merchants everywhere.


Providing infrastructure for seamless payments and settlements to deliver deep value to merchants everywhere.


Capitalising on the accelerating digital economy by leveraging eWallets and virtual cards Median age in Kenya 20 years

Median age in Kenya 20 years

Penetration rate for smartphones 58.3%

Number of internet users in Kenya 18M

Subscribers who access the Internet mobile devices 99%

Cross Border Payments

Why Kenya?


Business – Imports to Kenya: $9B+

Middle East

Consumer – $600M+  (14% from UAE) In annual remittances to Kenya

Key African corridors

Exports from Kenya: $2.8B Imports to Kenya: $1.8B